FEKO is a leading software used in multiple industries including aerospace, defense, automotive, communications and consumer electronics Altair FEKO is a comprehensive computational (CEM) code used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, space and defense industries. FEKO is a comprehensive computational (CEM) software used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, aerospace and defense industries. Altair FEKO is a comprehensive computational (CEM) code used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, space and defense industries. FEKO: Comprehensive Software Watch this quick introduction video to learn how FEKO can help you. The features in FEKO are designed around what is possible in reality. It thus helps to think about what happens in reality when creating the model. If you have a monopole antenna, it will surely assume to be attached to a ground plane, even if that ground plane is the pole that it is mounted on. Altair FEKO is a comprehensive computational (CEM) software used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, aerospace and defense industries. Licensing Compute Canada is a hosting provider for FEKO. Altair HW FEKO WinProp 2018 x64 is a handy application for analyzing a very wide range of and disturbances problems. It has got EMC analysis, antenna design, circuits, scattering analysis and many more. This development adds the FEKO solver to the HyperWorks suite and strengthens the Altair simulation offering in the aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries in particular, reflecting the commitment of the company to provide comprehensive, bestofbreed solutions to its customers. The FEKO 2018 EM Solver and WinProp are part of the HyperWorks Student Edition Download Now Altairs solver suite in HyperWorks, FEKO, is a global leading comprehensive software widely used mainly in the aerospace, defense, automotive, communications. FEKO is a computational software product developed by Altair Engineering. The name is derived from the German acronym FEldberechnung fr Krper mit beliebiger Oberflche, which can be translated as field calculations involving bodies of arbitrary shape. It is a general purpose 3D (EM) simulator. FEKO originated in 1991 from research activities of Dr. Altair HW FEKO WinProp 2018 x64 utilizes the optimization tools with bird, genetic, linear and the feedback algorithm. The graphical environment of Altair HW FEKO WinProp 2018 x64 utilizes the most advanced design tools and it also controls the sizes in 2 or 3 dimensions with the mouse. Altair Altair1, 800 An example of how Antenna Magus can be used as a basis for customized antenna design problems in FEKO. Stepbystep helix antenna design. Antenna designers often start with a standard design, but have to customize the design to achieve better than typical performance. Altair Connect is your new portal that provides access to all the Altair and Partner Alliance software and documentation downloads, and an extensive Knowledge Base. You may also submit and track your support requests here. Founded in 1985, Altair is focused on the development and application of simulation technology to synthesize and optimize designs, processes and decisions for improved business performance. Comprehensive Analysis Software Suite. FEKO is a leading simulation software that uses multiple frequency and time domain techniques. True hybridization of these methods enables the efficient analysis of a broad spectrum of problems mainly Portal Login Username CAERI Selects Altair FEKO for Automotive EMC and Antenna Design By Jordi Soler on December 8, 2015 We recently talked about Compatibility (EMC) in this article, mainly to discuss why and how EMC has become a key and sensitive topic in the automotive industry. By integrating Altair HyperWorks solidThinking products as part of your studies you will develop the confidence and acquire the skills to design innovative solutions to complex engineering problems. EMSS and FEKO have been involved in the APCAP conference since its inauguration in 2012. This year Altair is sponsoring the 4th IEEE AsiaPacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation on. fekoemcem Altair announced a new release of HyperWorks FEKO 2017. 1, is a comprehensive 3D simulation software suite based on state of the art CEM methods that enable users to solve wide range of EM problems such as antenna design, antenna arrays, antenna placement, RFID, RCS, radomes, pattern synthesis with characteristic mode analysis. Altair has over 30 years of experience designing, analyzing, and optimizing composite structures and we can partner with you in a variety of ways to help you achieve success in using composites in your products. FEKO is a comprehensive (EM) analysis software suite, building on state of the art computational EM (CEM. Altair can provide you with highly qualified, well trained candidates that have been handpicked for the role from a talent pool curated by our engineers. Connect with Altair's career development team to find more than just your next paycheck become part of the Altair community. ATCx8Altair FEKO Altair FEKO User Day. FEKO is used extensively for immunity and radiated emissions testing, shielding effectiveness, noise coupling, radiation hazard (RADHAZ) analysis, pulses (EMP), lightning analysis, high intensity radiated fields (HIRF), reverberation and anechoic chamber simulations. Altair FEKO es un software para ayudar a las compaas que desarrollan electrnicos a disminuir FEKO is the leading tool for antenna placement simulation using fullwave (MoM, FEM, FDTD) or asymptotic (PO, RLGO, UTD) methods or a hybridization of them Altair HyperWorks FEKO main simulation applications are antenna design, antenna placement, compatibility (EMC), RCS, radomes, RF devices and Altair HyperWorks The FEKO kernel creates Nastran files by writing out the three nodes of a triangle and then the triangle, then the three nodes of the next triangle and then the triangle. Thus, CADFEKO exported Nastran files will have the minimum amount of nodes, while the FEKO kernel would export the same model with 3(# triangles) nodes. The latest Tweets from Altair FEKO (@AltairFEKO). simulation code FEKO now part of Altair Engineering. Stellenbosch, South Africa TROY, MI, Jan 4, 2018 Altair has released the 2018 versions of leading (EM) simulation software FEKO, WinProp, Flux and FluxMotor. These solver tools, part of Altairs HyperWorks, The Platform for Innovation, are widely used to accelerate the global design. A FEKO model of a WR90 waveguide magic tee was simulated in FEKO while driving the sigma port with a waveguide source. The vector arrows indicate that the fields at the output ports are indeed in. The location of the help folder is updated to the HyperWorks help folder; for example, C: \Program FEKO User Interface Some of the new features that have been implemented in POSTFEKO are highlighted below: Phase unwrapping support is implemented for receiving antennas. Feko2017 Feko FEKO 2017Altair HyperWorks 2017. FEKO is a comprehensive computational (CEM) software used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, aerospace and defense industries. FEKO offers several frequency and time domain EM solvers under a single license. Bu rnekte, ALTAIR FEKO yksek frekans elektromanyetik yazlm kullanlarak 2 Ghz frekans bandnda yaylm yapan optimum mikroerit antenin tasarm yaplm ve uzak alan, yzey. Hello every body, I want to simulate bistatic RCS a of a simple ship, i have designed model in CadFeko, but in postFeko it view only one result(a point) and in the xaxis it. FEKO, part of Altairs HyperWorks suite is a comprehensive simulation software tool, based on state of the art computational (CEM) techniques, enabling users to solve a wide range of problems..