In 2002, the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism spelt out the potential and challenges of ecotourism in contributing to sustainable development, and made recommendations to governments, the private sector, NGOs, international agencies and local and Indigenous communities. The United Nations has declared 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism. Among the summit's outputs is the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, a new tool for the international development of this typeof tourism which is already in high demand in many regions of the world. QUBEC DECLARATION ON ECOTOURISM In the framework of the UN International Year of Ecotourism, 2002, under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization Annual Updating Declaration. All registered enterprises must file an annual updating declaration during the prescribed period, regardless of whether or not the information in the register needs to be changed. This obligation takes effect the year after the year in which the enterprise first registers. In May this year the World Ecotourism Summit in Quebec, Canada, organized jointly by the World Tourism Organization with the United Nations Environment Program resulted in the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, containing 49 specific guidelines for sustainable ecotourism development and. The UN declared 2002 the International Year of Ecotourism, and the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organisation held the World Ecotourism Summit in. This Declaration builds on previous ecotourism platforms, most importantly the Quebec Declaration adopted in 2002 during the United Nations International Year of Ecotourism. The Bar Harbor Declaration was developed and adopted through a consultative and participatory process at the first National Conference on Ecotourism in the U. Press Release 22 May 2002 Official Opening of the World Ecotourism Summit In Qubec City (WTO) Qubec City, Over 1, 000 enthusiastic participants interested in ecotourism and sustainable. World Ecotourism Summit and its preparatory process, as well as the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism. The World Ecotourism Summit, was held in Quebec City, Canada from 19 to 22 May, 2002. This was the principal event to mark 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism. Considering the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism adopted at the World Ecotourism Summit, held in Qubec City, March 2002, and the plan of implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustai nable Development held in Johannesburg, September 2002. Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism In the framework of the UN International Year of Ecotourism, 2002, over one thousand participants coming from 132 countries, from the public, private and nongovernmental sectors met at the World Ecotourism Summit, hosted in Qubec City, Canada, between 19 and 22 May 2002. QUEBEC DECLARATION ON ECOTOURISM In the framework of the UN International Year of Ecotourism, 2002, under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO), over one thousand participants coming from 132 countries, from the public, private and nongovernmental sectors met at the World. In that same year, marked as the UN International Year of Ecotourism, the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism was adopted, along with its recommendations for developing ecotourism activities in the context of efficient development. More recently, the importance of tourism in tackling climate change The perceived impacts of tourism in Sagada, an Indigenous community in the Philippines Dear colleagues and friends, I am pleased to introduce you to a newly released research report on tourism impacts in Sagada, an Indigenous community in Mountain Province, in the Cordillera region of the Philippines. (Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, May. CANADA Quebec City hosted the World Ecotourism Summit between May 19 and 22, 2002. The event was the culmination of 18 preparatory organized by the Summit organizers the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Quebec (Canada) holds the World Ecotourism Summit, which adopts the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism. WTO takes part in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa), during which the programme Sustainable Tourism Eliminating Poverty (STEP) is presented. The World Ecotourism Summit, was held in Quebec City, Canada from 19 to 22 May, 2002. This was the principal event to mark 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism. The Summit was an initiative of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). as well as community based and NGObased ecotourism operations. thousands of cultural and natural wonders being 5. as stipulated by the Qubec Declaration on Ecotourism of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) last 2002. The principle product of the meeting was the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism used to inform the discussions at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in. Ecotourism is a useful concept, but not a very well defined one; it has been debated in theory and attempted in practice for nearly two decades. The Quebec Declaration signifies that from now on, ecotourism must be considered a privileged tool, leading the way and paving the road toward a tourism that is truly sustainable, said Richard Legendre, the minister responsible for Youth, Tourism, Recreation and Sport and Minister responsible for Wildlife and Parks. Press Release 4 June 2002 Huge Success For Ecotourism Qubec Declaration On Ecotourism Defines The Basis For Its International Development. Qubec City, It is with the immense satisfaction of. This document takes into account the preparatory process, as well as the discussions held during the World Ecotourism Summit held in Qubec City, Canada, on 1922 May 2002. It sets out a preliminary agenda and a set of recommendations for the development of ecotourism activities in the context of sustainable development. QUBEC DECLARATION ON ECOTOURISM DEFINES THE BASIS FOR ITS INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 27 May 2002. Over 1, 100 delegates, from 133 different countries, wrapped up the first World Ecotourism Summit, last week, with the Qubec Declaration on Ecotourism, a new tool for the international development of this type of tourismalready in high demand around the world. La definizione poi rielaborata e rivista dai principi dettati nella Dichiarazione di Quebec del 2002, dichiarato dalle Nazioni Unite anno internazionale dell'ecoturismo. In questa occasione l'UNEP (EN) Testo della Qubec Declaration on Ecotourism, su worldtourism. According to the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, the framework for the United Nations International Year of Ecotourism, activities that are considered ecotourism share the following attributes: The UN recognizes that ecotourism is both a market segment and a set of principles. The World Ecotourism Summit serves as a forum for a systematic and critical review of ecotourism as it stands at present and as a filter to identify priority issues and indicate general directions of action. In general, Community Based Ecotourism (CBET) is tourism that is managed by the community for the tourist destinations. With general tourism, tourist visits According to the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, ecotourism embraces the principles of sustainable tourism. The following principles distinguish it from The Quebec Declaration suggested that five criteria be used to define ecotourism: naturebased products, minimal impact management, environmental education, contribution to conservation, and contribution to the community. This Declaration builds on previous ecotourism platforms, most importantly the Quebec Declaration adopted in 2002 during the United Nations International Year of Ecotourism. The Bar Harbor NOTING the United Nations declaration of International Year of Ecotourism 2002 as well as the World Ecotourism Summit 2002, producing the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism; and the UN Resolution adopted in December 2010 on promotion of world tourism day 2002 Ecotourism, the key to sustainable provide, together with the resulting Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, a massive wealth of policy guidelines, technical knowhow and advice, thanks to the wide and participatory process that was at its origin. The most author prise owners, and conservation to the net out itative framework is the Quebec Declaration from come. There are also broader terms such as the 2002 United Nations World Summit on Eco sustainable or responsible tourism, which are tourism (UNWTO 2002). QUBEC DECLARATION ON THE PRESERVATION OF THE SPIRIT OF PLACE Adopted at Qubec, Canada, October 4th 2008 Preamble Meeting in the historic city of Qubec (Canada), from 29 September to 4 October 2008. Qubec DECLARATION ON ECOTOURISM DEFINES BASIS FOR ITS INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT QUBEC CITY, 22 May (UNEP) It was with the immense satisfaction of a job well done that the 1, 200 or so. Ecotourism is a widely used concept, but with no universally accepted definition. The most authoritative framework is the Quebec Declaration from the 2002 United Nations World Summit on Ecotourism QuebecDeclaration of Eco Tourism Free download as PDF File (. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Emphasize that ecotourism should continue to contribute to make the overall tourism industry more sustainable, by increasing economic and social benefits for host. quebec declaration on ecotourismquebec declaration on ecotourismquebec declaration on ecotourismquebec declaration on ecotourismquebec declaration on ecotourismquebec declaration on ecotourism in Chinesequebec declaration on ecotourism. Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism In the framework of the UN International Year of Ecotourism, 2002, under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP and the World Tourism World Tourism Organisation (2002) Huge success for ecotourism Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism defines the basis for its international development. Sustainable Development of Ecotourism A Compilation of Good Practices in SMEs This publication is the 3rd of a series of good practice compilations, and it has been prepared in the follow up to the International Year of Ecotourism 2002. This compilation contains 65 case studies received from 47 countries about exemplary practices in small ecotourism businesses. COTOURISME ET DVELOPPEMENT DURABLE DANS LES RSERVES DE BIOSPHRE: EXPRIENCES ET PERSPECTIVES Atelier dans le cadre du. Foreword E cotourism has been growing rapidly over the last decades. Yet, while ecotourism has the potential to create positive environmental and social impacts. According to the Quebec Declaration, Ecotourism embraces the principles of sustainable tourism, concerning the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism but has special features which make it different from the sustainable tourism World Ecotourism Summit Quebec City, Canada, 1922 May 2002: Final Report. This report contains the summaries of the debates held and conclusions reached at the World Ecotourism Summit and its preparatory process, as well as the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism. The Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch works to promote sustainable resource management in a life cycle perspective for goods and services produced and used by governments, business and civil society. ecotourism and sustainable development in biosphere reserves: experiences and prospects quebec city, canada, may 2425, 2002. workshop summary report Whatisecotourism? An introduction CEEWEB Academy Banja Vrujci. EcologicalTourismin Europe, Contents ecotourism should be replaced by the The Quebec Declaration: implemented by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) International Ecotourism Standard (2004), The International Ecotourism Society (2010) and the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism (2002), each produced ecotourism principles..