The flat earth movement began in the 19th century with the publications of Samuel Rowbotham. In the summer of 1838, Rowbotham conducted his Bedford level experiment. The Bedford level is a sixmile stretch of water that is very straight and level. Over the six miles, the earth ought to curve. FLAT EARTH COSMIC EGG UNIVERSE PART 2 FLACHE ERDE UND DAS KOSMISCHE EI UNIVERSUM TEIL 2: FLAT EARTH COSMIC EGG UNIVERSE PART 2 FLACHE ERDE UND DAS KOSMISCHE EI UNIVERSUM TEIL 2 youtu. Hatte ich schon gesehen, sehr gut. The reemergence of the Flat Earth theory is challenging everything we thought we knew. Above is a possible representation of a flat earth, with the Arctic at the center and the Antarctic a giant wall of ice on the circumference. The Flat Earth starring Jamie Foy Carlos Iqui Chase Webb Mike Pulizzi Cody Lockwood directed by Ty Evans produced by Ghost Digital Cinema. org There were over 15 million videos on YouTube (Feb 2017) regarding the fact that we have obviously been lied to by whoever the controllers are of. Humanity has known Earth is round for a few millenia, and Ive been meaning to show more methods that prove the world is not flat. Ive had a few ideas on how to do that, but recently got an. The Flat Earth Society mans the guns against oppression of thought and the Globularist lies of a new age. Standing with reason we offer a home to those wayward thinkers that march bravely on with REASON and TRUTH in recognizing the TRUE shape of the Earth Flat. Welcome to the Flat Earth Society, and thank you for taking the time to go through this FAQ. It was created to address the many misconceptions a Round Earther may have about the Flat Earth Theory, and to act as an easilyaccessible entry point into the mainstream Flat Earth model. Colorado is at the center of renewed flat Earth movement, fueled by hundreds of videos on YouTube claiming the world is a disk, space is fake, the moon landings phony and the curvature of the. The Flat Earth Theory has seen a resurgence, with people trying to prove our planet is not a sphere THERE is a growing movement who think everything you know about the world is wrong and is the. Welcome to the Flat Earth Wiki, otherwise known as The FEW a collaborative resource maintained by the Flat Earth Society! This website is dedicated to unraveling the true mysteries of the universe and demonstrating that the earth is flat and that Round Earth doctrine is little more than an elaborate hoax. If Earth really was a globe, rivers such as the Mississipi would have to flow uphill to reach the sea flowing uphill 11 miles in its 3, 000mile length. Earth is flat and stationary, not a spinning globe! My site aims to inform, challenge and encourage everyone on their shapeofearth journey. Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the center and Antarctica, a 150foottall wall of ice, around the rim. NASA employees, they say, guard this ice wall to prevent people from climbing over. Flat Earth Cosmology and much more. For those who have come to know earth is flat and want to learn more. I am here to share quality information, not quirky. Flat Earth (also known as the Flat Earth myth, flatEarthism, less commonly platygeism, and intelligent geography for parodists of intelligent design) is the lack of sufficient mental faculty to distinguish between the concepts of totally nonexistent and merely imperceptibly small pseudoscientific belief that the earth which the vast. Modern flat Earth societies consist of individuals who promote the erroneous idea that the Earth is flat rather than a sphere. Such groups date from the middle of the 20th century; some adherents are serious and some are not. Those who are serious are often motivated by pseudoscience or religious literalism. In America interest in the flatEarth movement appears to be growing. In September Bobby Ray Simmons Jr. B, launched a crowdfunding campaign to. The resurgence of flatEarth conspiracy theories raises the question of why people turn against more than two millennia of scientific reasoning. Most people are aware that there is a Flat Earth Society, thinking that the Flat Earth Society is a serious group of people dedicated to promoting their own peculiar view of. This is the forum of the worldfamous Flat Earth Society, a place for free thinkers and the intellectual exchange of ideas. The Flat Earth Society has become a byword for sticking your head in the sand, whatever the scientific facts. David Adam tries to make sense of its new president, Daniel Shenton 6, 168 Followers, 5, 193 Following, 545 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Flat Earth Organic (@flatearthorganic) This online library contains a growing selection of Flat Earth resources. We have interviews, newspaper and magazine articles as well as the largest collection of Flat Earth Society newsletters in the world (online or otherwise! CBS covers the flat earth conspiracy once more and I'm starting to wonder is CBS is in on it! They seem to be the only news outlet that covers flat earth at all. American rapper Bobby Ray Simmons (more widely known as B. B) has taken to Twitter to let his followers know the world is flat and he's got the photos to prove it. FlatEarthers are having one heck of a week. Not only is one of these deniers of terrestrial sphericalness about to embark on a most audacious experiment, but they've now. The flat earth model assumes that the sun is much smaller and is nearer to the earth, and it moves around the earth and not the other way round. Thus it moves in a certain motion above the earth, providing light to different parts of the earth at different times. The International Flat Earth Sociey has been established to prove by sound reasoning and factual evidence that the present accepted theory that the Earth is a globe spinning on its axis every 24 hours and at the same time describing an orbit round the Sun at a speed of 66, 000 m. h, is contrary to all experience and to sound commonsense. From all over the Flat Earth (More to be announced soon) The Flat Earth Society is not on board with Trump's Space Force idea: Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of Flat Earth Trump supporters, but I wouldn't say it's a disproportionately large group. The flat Earth map is a projection (azimuthal equidistant projection) of the fictional spherical Earth. It has a lot of similarities to the logo of the United Nations. To be more precise; the continents have the same shape on both maps, and the distance between the continents are also the same. The flat earth movement is a look into a posttruth future and a canary in the coal mine of our political discourse. And this conference was the first time the growing community would leave their. Flat earth moon phases, shows the mechanics of moon phases as they happen over the flat earth surface. 8k Posts See Instagram photos and videos from flatearth hashtag The Earth is still. There is a dome over us called. All of us are sarcastic in our beliefs in flat earth, am I right? There is a small group of people who actually believe in it called rnotaglobe They ban anyone who thinks against their beliefs. This is the home of the worldfamous Flat Earth Society, a place for free thinkers and the intellectual exchange of ideas. This website hosts information and serves as an archive for Flat Earth Theory. Watch videoDolby released The Flat Earth in 1984, and it was adopted by his fan club as their official name. Dolby does not believe in a flat earth, but Flat Earth Society Daniel Shenton credits Dolbys. After all, flatearthers are more adamant that the Earth is flat than most people are that the Earth is round (probably because the rest of us feel we have nothing to prove). The Flat Earth Society dates back to the early 1800s, when it was founded by Samuel Birley Rowbotham Christian Theologians' Commentaries that further suggest that the Earth is flat. The light of the Universe and the flat earth's dimensions in the Bible. When it comes to scientific claims, the Bible has the dumbest claims, with all due respect to Jews and Christians. The Bible claims that Earth has four ends and four corners. The Flat Earth Societys site which posits that the idea of a round Earth is somehow related to the faking of the Moon landing is remarkably welldesigned and professionallooking. Watch videoBasically, the earth is a flat disc protected by an invisible barrier called the firmament, a domelike feature that also happens to be referenced in the Old Testament so you know its real. Copernicus, of course, fucked everything up by introducing his theory of heliocentrism. The World is Flat FLAT EARTHERS know that have seen the Flat Earth Map. The Globe is a lie, and has never been proven. org is a community to unite people interested in. 2017 and still no real images of the earth Hey Look the stars are not billions of miles away Pythagoras is evil Flat Earth UN Map The stars move we do not Star trails prove geocentic creation Fake Moon Landing Find all the latest videos from the top contributors to the Flat Earth Community in one place. A huge time saver for any flat earth follower Flat Earth signs with Drakkar Entertainment Flat Earth (feat. Ex members of HIM and Amorphis) signs with Drakkar Entertainment (for Europe Niclas Etelvuori. September 4, 2018 Fund You rewards are shipping The Fund You rewards have started shipping today. Watch videoFlat Earth theory suggests that we're living under a giant domebubble that covers the entire (flat) Earth. The sun and moon travel back and forth across the dome ceiling, which is why we have sunsetsunrise..