The Daisy Encyclopedia! Find the Daisy BB gun or toy of your childhood! After more than five years of extensive research, this encylopedic work, capturing the Plymouth guns is now available. Entry for 'Gun' One of 8 Bible encyclopedias freely available, this resource contained over 40 million words in nearly 40, 000 articles written by 1, 500 respected authors The MG 42 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 42, or machine gun 42) was a generalpurpose machine gun. It was created in Nazi Germany. It began being used by the Wehrmacht in 1942. It was used with (and sometimes replaced) the MG 34 machine gun in the German Armed Forces. Both weapons were made and used until the end of the war. of The Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Control Gun Rights is a musthave resource for all libraries. Over 350 entries provide indepth coverage of both sides of the gun debate. Updated and expanded coverage includes new entries on recent gun laws and legislation. Gun: Gun, weapon consisting essentially of a metal tube from which a missile or projectile is shot by the force of exploding gunpowder or some other propellant. In military science, the term is often limited to cannon larger than a howitzer or mortar, although these latter two types, like all tubefired Tankopedia contains useful information on the World of Tanks vehicles for both new and experienced players. Use Tankopedia to find out more about characteristics of various vehicles featured in the game. The gun encyclopedia by neil wayne goodreadscom, the gun encyclopedia is a complete collection of the worlds greatest weaponry take an in depth look at the weapons crafted in from around the world, ranging from argentina to germany (including the third reich and western germany). The contentfree encyclopedia Undictionary The ick! tionary of all things best left unsaid UnTunes Where noisy things can live and prosper Games Another way to waste time HowTo Instructions and guides for anything and everything UnBooks Contentfree books Unquotable Useless misquotes galore With 7700 units built from 1954 to 1987, used by thirty countries around the globe and converted into many variants and derivatives, the little AMX13 is the only. gun, in general, any weapon that discharges shot, shells, or bullets by the explosion of gunpowder or some other explosive from a straight tube. See firearm firearm, device consis In this news digest by Defencyclopedia, we bring you the most recent and relevant happenings in the world of defense. Each report will have our analysis and opinion about it. Special maps have been incorporated with the news in order to help the. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Handguns is a fantastic reference for the avid gun and militaria collector. It is a vast compendium of sketches and illustrations of thousands of handguns from around the world and accross time. Gun control (or guh control if you're a nigger) is the act of restricting guns to only one type of person. Such as in the instance of the Virginia Tech massacre, gun control is used as a scapegoat issue. Encyclopedia of gun control and gun rights. [Glenn H Utter Gene gun Het apparaat waarmee microscopische goud of wolframbolletjes, bekleed met DNA of RNA, onder hoge druk op een cel afgeschoten kunnen worden. Het genetisch materiaal kan dan in het genetisch materiaal van de cel worden opgenomen. Between 1914 and 1918, the machine gun played an everincreasing role on the battlefield. Today, even though artillery was responsible for the majority of deaths, the machine gun is the weapon most commonly associated with the First World War in the popular imagination. Recently, Grey House Publishing, based in Amenia, NY, sent me a copy of the Second Edition of Encyclopedia of Gun Control Gun Rights. According to an accompanying press release, the first edition was published by Greenwood Press in 1999. With public perception of gun violence at an alltime high, the Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights is the perfect resource for any library. Providing 300plus entries of indepth coverage (each entry is from 700 to 1, 000 words), this encyclopedia is exceptional for its unbiased approach to. Bill C68, which received Royal Assent in December 1995, contained the most recent set of major amendments, setting out new firearms provisions for the Criminal Code and hiving off a separate statute to govern the firearms registration system, the Firearms Act. Firearms Dictionary Gun Glossary Collectors Guns Encyclopedia Terms Definitions Illustrated Sporting Shotgun Rifle Shooting Terminology Lexicon Hundreds of fine vintage and collectible sporting guns for sale. Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns, Double Rifles, Colt, Winchester, Purdey, Parker, firearms. com has more than 100 trusted sources, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses with facts, definitions, biographies, synonyms, pronunciation keys, word origins, and abbreviations. socialized medicine publicly administered system of. The classic MA Virgin Reviews Challenge is back, yet again, though this time with a new name and a new beginning. In honor of our lost friend, and frequent participant in the challenge, the community has decided to rename the challenge after Diamhea in his memory. With public debate of gun violence at an alltime high, this new third edition of The Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Control Gun Rights is a musthave resource for all libraries. Over 350 entries provide indepth coverage of both sides of the gun debate. Updated and expanded coverage includes new entries on recent gun laws and legislation With public debate surrounding gun violence at an alltime high, this new third edition of The Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Rights Gun Control in the United States is a musthave resource for all public libraries, high schools, universities and history and political science collections. Firearms Dictionary Gun Glossary Collectors Guns Encyclopedia Terms Definitions Illustrated Sporting Shotgun Rifle Shooting Terminology Lexicon Hundreds of fine vintage and collectible sporting guns for sale. Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns, Double Rifles, Colt, Winchester, Purdey, Parker, firearms. A field gun is an artillery piece. The term was first used to describe smaller guns that could be taken with an army while marching. In battle the field gun could be quickly moved about the battlefield as needed. Guns installed in a fort, siege cannon and mortars were too large to be moved quickly. of The Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Control Gun Rights is a musthave resource for all libraries. Over 350 entries provide indepth coverage of both sides of the gun debate. Updated and expanded coverage includes new entries on recent gun laws and legislation. a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise. Gun definition is a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory. com: Encyclopedia article about gun. What made you want to look up gun? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Finland (1945) Prototype Fighter 1 Built The VL Pyrremyrsky (translates as Hurricane) was a prototype Finnish fighter plane designed to keep up with its contemporaries. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. Gun control, politics, legislation, and enforcement of measures intended to restrict access to, the possession of, or the use of arms, particularly firearms. Gun control is one of the most controversial and emotional issues in many countries, with the debate often centring on whether regulations on an individuals right to arms are an undue restriction on liberty and whether there is a. Encyclopedia Lewis Gun Designed in the United States in 1911 by U. Army Colonel Isaac Newton Lewis (and based upon an earlier overlycomplex design by Samuel McLean), the Lewis gun comprised an early light machine gun widely adopted by British and Empire forces from 1915 onwards. Encyclopedia Spandau Gun The Spandau Gun otherwise known as the Maxim LMG 0815 and nicknamed the Devil's paint brush' was deployed by the German air service as a replacement for the Parabellum Gun. A gun is an aimable weapon that launches projectiles at high velocity, or a device that resembles such a weapon used for other purposes (e. The term is also used for types of artillery with long barrels that fire at a relatively flat trajectory. For handguns, long guns and historical cannons the projectile is a bullet, shot by explosives (), but it does not contain explosives itself. All about the tactics, battles, technology and evolution of tanks and armored vehicles worldwide from their origin to Jump to. (The T43 would later be serialized as the 120mm Gun Tank M103, Americas last heavy tank. ) The Rheem Manufacturing Company were granted a contract to. A gun (also called a firearm) is a weapon used to shoot one or more metal projectiles called bullets. Guns made of wood or bamboo are thought to have been invented in China around 1000 AD. In the next few centuries they spread to other parts of Asia and to Europe where they were made of metal. Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights Glenn H. Utter; The Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1999, 288 pages, ISBN X (US62. 50) This guide is designed to help you research information about gun control. Encyclopedia of Gun Control and of Second Amendment rights. Gun Wiki is a Wikia that was founded in January 2006 by Jocke Pirat. This Wikia is a website that anyone can edit and improve, specific to Guns and Firearms. Right now, you can edit 2, 357 different articles about this subject and can create many, many more. We encourage you to become part of our little community. The current Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia contains nearly 52, 000 entries and more than 84, 000 hypertext crossreferences, marshalling 6. 5 million words on a vast range of topics. Comprehensively revised on a quarterly basis, the electronic edition is among the most complete and uptodate encyclopedias ever produced. The Soviets werent much for caring about such things and still had their own heavy tanks and well protected medium tanks which were causing consternation in the West. The Western powers lacked parity in both numbers and quality with the Soviets and both the. , the major federal gun control legislation is the 1968 Gun Control Act, passed shortly after the asassination of President John F. The act required that guns carry serial numbers and implemented a tracking system to determine the purchaser of a gun whose make, model, and serial number are known. Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights. [Glenn H Utter This reference volume provides information on gun control and gun rights, including resources on the debate surrounding the Second Amendment and individuals and organizations focused on gun issues. A Gun is a very effective pointandclick IRL banhammer, often deployed by impotent wankers who are butthurt because they won't get what they want through hard work, intelligence, love, creativity, enterprise or other human virtues, and want to act out their frustration and inadequacy through IRL trolling and pwning others. Guns are what Americunts have instead of penises, while britfags (the. This is an extensive list of small armsincluding pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, submachine guns, personal defense weapons, assault rifles, battle rifles, designated marksman rifles, carbines, machine guns, flamethrowers, multiple barrel firearms, grenade. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Guns is a compendium of the major types of pistols, rifles, revolvers, machine and submachine guns through history in 1100 color photographs. It would be impossible to show every type of firearm so the zeroed in on the ones that most people expect to read about as part of history and the gun lore. We are a database for all things Nerf that anyone can edit. 151, 265 edits to 2, 009 articles since November 2007. Other languages: Polski Portugus About this wiki Guidelines Code of Conduct Parent Page Help Manual of Style Article Layout Nerf portal contents.